What My Clients Have to Say


"I was trapped in self- criticism and low confidence until I met Zanna. Her grounded and empathetic nature created a safe space for me to trust her expertise and the magic of RTT. With her help, I uncovered hidden self-beliefs I was not aware of, I was guided to safely release these and my confidence has improved ever since!

Zanna is a true gem!"

Emma-Jayne, Holistic Therapist, Malta


"Life was extremely difficult before I met Zanna. I barely slept and found it difficult to function day to day. I could barely work and rarely got to go out and enjoy myself because I was so exhausted. I had almost lost hope of getting better and became more depressed. I had tried everything: CBT; medication; sleep hygiene; meditation; acupuncture; sleep restriction.....you name it. Since having hypnotherapy and coaching with Zanna my sleep has improved and it is becoming easier and easier each night.

I am now so much better, I am rested, happier, more relaxed and hopeful for the future. I am more capable of doing things I struggled with before and of going out and having fun and enjoying life. My life is very different now.

The experience of taking this journey with Zanna has been transformational. She is dedicated, generous, personal and thorough. Zanna is lovely to work with and I would highly recommend her services."

Cat, Teacher, Norfolk

Back Pain

"I had been grappling with severe lower back pain for quite some time when a friend recommended Zanna, describing her as a pain specialist.

Approaching the session with an open mind but no specific expectations, as I had never tried hypnotherapy before, I was pleasantly surprised. The first 20 minutes were dedicated to discussing my issue and building rapport, a process that unfolded effortlessly as Zanna possesses a unique ability to make you feel at east.

In the subsequent hour, I devled into my childhood memories, unveiling the root cause of my back pain and the interconnectedness of my physical discomfort and emotional struggles.

Three months after my initial session with Zanna, I have not only returned to the gym but am gearing up for my first 5k marathon! My overall happiness has improved and everyone keeps asking me what's happend to me! In truth, I can't pinpoint exactly what happened, but Zanna, I am eternally grateful for the life-changing impact you have had on my life".

Joe, School Teacher, West Sussex

EMETOPHOBIA (fear of vomit)

"My session with Zanna was empowering and she has really encouraged me to stay motivated. I would tell anyone that having a session with Zanna is worthwhile and reassuring. I would recommend Zanna to my friends.

She came to me with debilitating emetophobia which caused acute anxiety if he found himself in situations where he may have to deal with other people being sick or being sick himself. This stopped him from going to social event with friends and led to nervousness about living with others when he goes to university.

After only one session Xee was losing his fear of living with others and applying to university and is now planning on going to parties having already been to one party and enjoying it rather than being in a panic."

Xee, Student, Surrey


"I recently had the privilege of undergoing hypnotherapy sessions with Zanna and I cannot express enough how transformational and impactful the experience has ben for me. From the moment I met Zanna, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism, setting the tone for waht would be a truly life-changing experience. Zanna exudes a deep understanding of the human mind and an unparalleled ability to guide you through the process of self discovery and personal transformation.

What sets Zanna apart is her personalise approach. She took the time to understand my issues with insomnia and tailored the sessions to address my specific goals. Her genuine commitment to my well-being was truly inspiring and gave me the confidence to delve into areas of my life that I had previously avoided.

As a result of my session with Zanna, I have experienced a profound shift in my mindset, behaviour, and overall well-being. I have gained a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and self awareness that has positively impacted every aspect of my life. I am eternally grateful for the guidance and support that Zanna has provided me, and I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking positive change and personal growth.

In conclusion, my experience with Zanna has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her expertise, compassion, and unwavering dedication to her clients makes her an exceptional hypnotherapist, If you are ready to embark on a journey of self discovery and transformation, look no further - Zanna is the professional you need by your side.

Thank you Zanna for helping me unlock my full potential and live a more fulfilling life."

Sherry Lee, Physiotherapist, United States

Anxiety & Depression

"Zanna I can't tell you how much better I am feeling only on week 2.

I think what you are doing to help others is extraordinary and the massive improvement to people's wellbeing is amazing.. I listen to you every morning and at the end of the day I want to listen again. Than you so much for everything you do for me."

Diane, Carer, Hampshire


Karen booked a session with me as she had been experiencing debilitating IBS. This had impacted on her social and work life. Karen had tried everything from suplliments and probiotics, removing certain foods from her diet, accupuncture, massage and many other holistic therapies but nothing was working. I was her last resort.

After only one session using Rapid Transformational Therapy techniques to find the root cause of her IBS along with teh transformational recording that she listened to for 28 days what did Karen have to say?

"Following my session with Zanna my mood was fabulous and I feel calm and great every day. Zanna helped me explore my problem, guided me through a great session which helped me to find the root cause of my issues, and made me a fabulous recording which have been listening to for more than 21 days because I love it so much. Zanna also checked in on me a few times during the process to see how I was doing and offer further guidance as required.

I would absolutely recommend Zanna to my friends."

Karen, Childbirth Educator, New South Wales, Australia


Hannele found me through Facebook when she was experiencing high levels of anxiety in relation to her working environment. ​I asked Hannele some questions about my service and her answers are below:​

What else had you tried to overcome your challenges before coming to me?

"I have been trying talk with my colleague's. Meditating and listening affirmations, doing breathing practices when feeling overwhelmed​"

What has been your biggest breakthrough since working with me?

"I am able to go straight to the point calmly and without any emotional reactions. I used to cry cause I was so overwhelmed and that hurt the cause.​"

What results have you achieved while working with me?

"More understanding toward me and more appreciating toward my own special gifts. I used to think that I am less, now I think I am so much and can be more. I can be better help to my friends and to my clients with this insight I got from Zanna. I love my inner child and I am so proud of who I have become. I am self assured when talking to people and not so scared anymore.​"

What is life like now ?

"Calmer, I trust me and my abilities more now even though I know it's still a bumby road... I am clearer with the issues that comes up especially at work.​"

How would you describe my service to someone else?

"I totally recommend you. I am going to ask a session in a future for my son when he is ready. You are safe, calm, assuring and beautiful human who is giving so much clarity, kindness and helping a person to tackle their issues. You have inside wisdom and you understand deeply what your client is going through. You have kind and beautiful heart who I wish can help many people to find their way in the future. I learned a lot from you and I know and hope that in time I can learn loads more."

Hannele, Nurse, Finland

Rhonda is a health care worker who was struggling to prioritise herself in her busy work and family life.  ​What did Rhonda say:​

"Zanna, I want to thank you for my session in November.  I found right away that i was being kinder to myself.  My attitude was more positive.  I also had more patience when I found myself in stressful situations.​You are so calming, your voice is soothing and I was able to relax so quickly during our session.​I feel so good as I am a priority in my life now.  With this I am more able to manage stress and my mood.​I am amazed at this and feel that the recording and your voice that i listen to regularly was key in my improvement. ​Thank you"

Rhonda, Palliative Nurse, United States

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Anne came to me when she was suffering from debilitating IBS, nausea and vomiting when she felt her doctors had given up on her.​

“My dearest Zanna, what a privilege and perfect timing it was when our paths crossed. I have had IBS for years and unexpectedly things got worse.   After two months of being violently ill, throwing up repeatedly and not getting any assistance from the doctors other than being put in hospital repeatedly for tests that proved nothing, you took the time to listen to me in my distress, panic and feeling of hopelessness.

I was so ill, yet you sat patiently and waited for me to recover enough to carry on with our session.

Your calm and reassuring voice on the recording stayed with me and was no only there for instilling new beliefs in my subconscious mind but was also a source of comfort knowing that you care about my well-being. One of the things you said to me was that even though the way we feel pain may be caused by a belief we form in childhood the pain is real.  This struck a chord with me as the pain I was experiencing was very real.  However by the time the session ended and I had released the beliefs that no longer served me, I was no longer in pain and my stomach pain had eased.

It has now been 4 months and I still have no stomach pain.

Another thing I noticed was that from the evening of our session I could lie on my left side, something I haven’t done since 2017.  I can even fall asleep on my left side now and don’t wake up in excruciating pain and have to carefully change position because of the pain.  It’s amazing!

I hope that anyone encountering you or reading your posts will reach out and allow you to assist them.  We so often think we can do it on our own, or what we are feeling will just go away, or it is only us that are experiencing it, when there are so many of us that can benefit with the professional assistance you offer.  Life can change faster than we know. You are amazing and I cherish you  and your healing skills.”

​​​Ann,  Retired School Teacher, South Africa

Health Anxiety

Sue came to me via recommendation due to her debilitating health anxiety.  She had experienced health anxiety for many years and it had a profound impact on her life.

We worked together to find the root cause of her health anxiety using hypnotherapy to access her subconscious mind so we could alter her thinking and rewire her brain to provide the transformation from hypervigilance over health to being able to talk about health conditions without triggering the anxiety.

What has Sue said about my services?

“When I first came to see Zanna I was controlled by my negative thoughts and beliefs about my health. I had tried various counsellors, had a programme of CBT and taken medication but I could not shift the anxiety around my health and what could go wrong.   Having only had one hypnotherapy session with Zanna I am now able to discuss health issues, watch tv programmes that include health issues and it has not had any negative impacts on me like before.   I would recommend anyone to see Zanna. I found the process absolutely amazing and it has helped me change my negative thoughts in ways I have not managed to do before.  Zanna was welcoming and made me feel at ease all the way through the process.  She has made such a big difference to me. She asked me to describe in one word how the process has impacted on me and I said ‘life changing’. “

It was a pleasure to help Sue and I hope I will be able to help many more people overcome the debilitating impact of health anxiety.

Sue-Marie, Trainer in Health and Social Care, Hertfordshire


Kerry came to me with debilitating Fibromyalgia, see her full testimonial on my face book page.

"​I cannot thank you & recommend you highly enough. I am coming to the end of my 90 day course of treatment & what an amazingly productive & effective treatment you have provided. You are absolutely perfect to provide hypnosis & relaxation etc …. You have the most gentle but engaging voice, whether we were speaking in person or I was listening to the hypnosis recordings. I truly cannot believe what a difference these sessions have made to me, both physically & mentally regarding my chronic medical condition. The power of the mind is really incredible & I could not be more grateful to you for opening the door that’s enabled better management of my condition, pain management, stress management, insomnia support & general relaxation alongside a positive outlook each day. Feeling very much like a new woman. Many of us have felt worn down & hopeless as a result of a long term chronic medical condition & I would say to anyone considering this treatment, seriously don’t hesitate, sign up as soon as you can. Thank you so very very much"

Kerry, Occupational Therapist, Hampshire

Hashimotos Disease

Maritha came to me with chronic fatigue. She has Hashimotos Disease which had led to chronic and delitating fagitue.  She was not even able to walk the dog with her husband and this was impacting her life both socially and in her career when finding the energy to complete necessary tasks was becoming more and more difficult. ​Maritha posted the following on my linkedin profile:

​"Suzanne (Zanna) Barrett-Aouichia's professional title "Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist and Coach" is a perfect explanation of what you get from working with her: rapid (and lasting) transformation.​I couldn't believe how my thyroid fatigue of more than 20 years could be almost gone after the first hypnotherapy session with her and listening to the recording for 21 days after that.​That's just WOW!!!​Follow-up sessions will surely get rid of all those awful symptoms for good.​Thanks a million Zanna, you have a true talent "

Martitha, Health & Wellness Copywriter, South Africa


I have had a lovely message from a client who is only in week 2 or her 90 day journey with my programme. This lovely lady had had debilitating fibromyalgia for many years which has impacted on all areas of her life and with her commitment to the programme she is already having the most phenomenal results

"Hi Zanna, I could not wait to share this with you. I have had such a positive week. I haven’t had a feeling of self doubt, I literally wake and feel really positive, which is a strange feeling to me as there has been no feeling of doom/anxiety. I must say it’s a great feeling I have had no pain, yes that is right. I have had no fatigue I have slept I am just amazed."

By the end of the programme Tarnai said she felt like a new person or maybe the person she was before the fibromyalgia struck her down. She worked hard through the programme and her dedication ensured amazing results.

Tarnia, Adult Social Care, Surrey.

Depression / Anxiety / Anger Management

Diane completed the Revitalise coaching and hypnotherapy programme having experienced depression, anxiety and difficulties with managing anger which was overtaking her life and effecting her life in all areas. ​What did Diane say:

"Zanna is so easy to talk to and approachable. She is extremely understanding and really listens.  I am now sleeping better, my anxiety has significantly reduced and my anger has eased dramatically and is not consuming me as it was.  I would absolutely recommend her services and if i had to describe her and her service in one word I would say "incredible".

Diane, Personal Assistant, Hampshire